Charter flight: how to organise one? | The Guide 02/14/2023

1. What’s a charter flight?
2. Role of the air charter broker when chartering a private jet or a commercial aircraft
3. What happens when you charter an aircraft with MK Partnair (Step by step organisation)
5. How to charter a plane for a group?
6. Example of charter flights with MK Partnair

What’s a charter flight?

Definition of a charter flight

We call a charter flight a commercial flight organised outside the regular scheduled routes. This ad-hoc flight makes it possible to connect destinations directly at the desired times (depending on slot availability). This flight is organised under the public transport regime and has the same safety requirements as regular airline flights.

The entire aircraft is privatised for the group.

Price of a charter flight

This is one of the main questions that people ask when they talk about chartering or hiring aircraft. It is important to keep in mind that the price of a private jet/aircraft rental depends on several parameters: desired itinerary, type of aircraft, geographical position of the aircraft, state of the market, …

  1. Private jet rental price estimate for the most popular destinations
  1. Charter flight price estimate for groups – contact our team for a more precise estimate

What is the role of the air charter broker when chartering an aircraft?

Les termes broker aérien, affréteur aérien sont aussi associés à courtier aérien. Ce sont des synonymes. MK Partnair est un courtier aérien. Nous nous consacrons à vous fournir les solutions les plus avantageuses pour vos affrètements aériens.

Avec un accès à plusieurs centaines d’appareils et une expertise reconnue par nos clients, nous mettons à votre disposition l’avion le plus adapté à votre projet, en vous accompagnant à chaque étape de votre vol.  Notre mission est d’être facilitateur de votre mobilité avec une attention méticuleuse portée aux détails.

The terms air charterer are also associated with air broker. They are synonyms. MK Partnair is an air charter broker. We are dedicated to providing you with the most cost-effective solutions for your air charter needs.

With access to hundreds of aircraft and the expertise of our clients, we provide you with the most suitable aircraft for your project, accompanying you every step of the way. Our mission is to facilitate your mobility with meticulous attention to detail.

  1. EXPERTISE :  Our services are regularly audited and meet the requirements of companies such as Michelin and government organisations such as NATO
  2. CONSULTING : With over a decade of organising air charter flights for CAC40 groups, sports clubs, travel agencies, etc. MK Partnair provides quality answers and advice for charter projects.
  3. ORGANISATION : We coordinate the entire flight preparation with all our partners (airports, caterer, airline, …). We assign you a single contact person who will take care of your trip from A to Z.
  4. FIELD KNOWLEDGE : An experienced air broker is in touch with all the stakeholders and knows the ins and outs of the system. In short, we speak the same language with our airport contacts – which makes communication much easier. In this way, we can achieve smooth coordination, a high level of anticipation and responsiveness to last-minute changes in flight schedules.

What happens when you charter an aircraft with MK Partnair

Charter flights & MK PARTNAIR

Your designated contact person will follow the entire organisation of your charter from A to Z. S/he is in direct contact with our partners (airline, airport, etc.) and your team for clear communication You always have our direct contacts

Our 24/7 BackOffice team allows us to stay alert and react to last minute changes (changes to connecting flight schedules, press conferences, adding passengers…)

•Specific preparation of catering according to recommendations

Customisation of aircraft

Joint work with all partners (airport, caterer, airline, …) for efficiency, fluidity, and flexibility

Through our experience, we are aware of the challenges of air chartering and the importance of its fluidity. This is why your organising and administrative team is accompanied at every stage (adding passengers, etc.).

Our objective is to transport all passengers to their final destination in the best possible conditions and also to have the most serene organisation possible. During all the flights, your single contact person ensures you to have a referent person that you can contact quickly and easily.

Organisation of charter flights at MK Partnair

Customisation of the aircraft to match your expectations

Passenger list

Management and administrative coordination with air administrations

Slot management

Coordination with airports and airline.

Direct contact with the MK PARTNAIR team on site and the MK Partnair BackOffice team

Summary of important information at the flight: Meeting time and place, check-in counters, …

Your team receives real-time notification of aircraft departures and arrivals.

Unlimited telephone contact – 24 hours a day – with your permanent travel supervisor, before, during and after the flight. The trip supervisor will coordinate the entire process with the crew, the airline and the airports

How to charter or rent an aircraft with MK Partnair?

  1. STEP 1: Gather essential information (travel dates, times, number of passengers)
  2. STEP 2 : Send your request
  3. STEP 3 : Our team contacts you
  4. STEP 4 : You will receive a proposal for the aircraft – it is not binding
  5. STEP 5 : You validate the aircraft – Thank you for your trust!
  6. STEP 6 : You receive the contract to be signed and returned to us
  7. STEP 7 : Preparation of the flight

MK PARTNAIR recognized in the organization of charter flights

They trust us to organise their charter flights in

Michelin trust MK Partnair for their air charter solution. Michelin a confiance en MK Partnair pour ses affrètements aériens.
LVMH trust MK Partnair for their air charter solution. LVMH a confiance en MK Partnair pour ses affrètements aériens.
Thales trust MK Partnair for their air charter solution. Thales a confiance en MK Partnair pour ses affrètements aériens.
ASM trust MK Partnair for their air charter solution. ASM a confiance en MK Partnair pour ses affrètements aériens.
NATO trust MK Partnair for their air charter solution. OTAN a confiance en MK Partnair pour ses affrètements aériens.
Sothys trust MK Partnair for their air charter solution. Sothys a confiance en MK Partnair pour ses affrètements aériens.
Profirst trust MK Partnair for their air charter solution. Profirst a confiance en MK Partnair pour ses affrètements aériens.
Engie trust MK Partnair for their air charter solution. Engie a confiance en MK Partnair pour ses affrètements aériens.

MK PARTNAIR – See a charter flight from A to Z

The Luxembourg soccer team getting off the Tailwind plane. The plane is white with blue stripes. On the tarmac of the Istanbul airport, we can see the pilot and the staff oh the airport.

Flight chartered for the Luxembourg National Team during the UEFA Nations League (Luxembourg – Turkey) organised by MK PARTNAIR | View the flight

Flight chartered for an official delegation for the Queen of England’s funeral in London and the UN summit in New York City | View the flight

👉 See more flights organised

Charter your private plane now

Chartering an aircraft for a group requires a certain amount of expertise in order to determine the right aircraft for the flight, to propose the most advantageous solutions for your air charters and to optimise costs. Planning a trip? Contact MK Partnair for your next trip.

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